Comparing ourselves with others
How often do we all do this ?? is this the fact we generally do and we don’t admit this. A very important ad serious issue of everyone’s life. Comparison. What does this mean? Do we compare with others in terms of looks, financial matters, how one can be taller than another? These are very basic but genuine issues which we as an individual come across.
Let's be honest with ourselves
I personally have seen comparisons people do. Comparing ourselves to others allows them to drive our behavior. I think we can probably all agree that your life might be different if you decide to stop comparing yourself to others. Everyone at some point in time does that. This is very common in women when they compare based on their looks. But this generally will not make you feel good. This will only demotivate you and will make you negative. To put it simply, by comparing yourself to others, you are holding yourself back.
I know just simply telling you to stop comparing yourself with others is easier than doing it. In today’s world, with social media and how everything seems to be on full display for the world, it can be easy to compare yourself to others. Social media nowadays plays a vital role where just to show off that people are really happy in their lives, generally will put such pictures and will start comparing with others. But, you need to stop doing it in a negative way.
Very often we compare ourselves with others based on Jobs, Salaries too. This person is earning more, having a high standard of living. It has been going on for years and I am sure will continue until the people won't try to change their thought process.
I would suggest few things to follow and live your life Happily:-
- Be Positive and happy with who you are — There are people who don’t feel good about themselves. They have a saying — “ Yeh to Hamari kismat hai”. Guys you are being blessed with what you have. We can't be positive all the time. I know and can fully understand. But no matter how our life takes a turn, try to be positive, have gratitude for what you have.
- No perfect Life — There is no Perfect world for anyone. That’s the hardest fact of life. No one is perfect. Once you will believe this, life would be easier. Remember, you should never compare your beginning to someone else’s middle.
- Take a break from Social Media — Social media is always fun, But seeing everyone’s life through social media and making an assumption Vow.. what a perfect life someone is enjoying.. that’s all rubbish. Just publishing a picture with a smile, hugs, and kisses really make them happy from within. You don’t know what they’ve been through. And if you feel jealous, negative while you are on social media, take a break from it.
- Don’t be Competitive — Always try to learn something from others. I once got this advice, never compare yourself with others. When you do so, you make yourself already small in the other person’s eyes. Try to change your emotions into inspiration. Try to learn from others. Take their achievements as inspirations.
“Why compare yourself to others? No one is the entire world can do a better job of being you than you.”
A Lady who is trying to be beautiful and the other lady is very simple.
“Dear you, don’t compare yourself to anyone. Your Unique Self is empowered, powerful, and unstoppable! Your uniqueness is what makes you incomparable! Don’t underestimate the beauty of just being you.”
Don’t compare your life to others. There’s no comparison between the sun and the moon. They shine when it’s their time.”
Conclusion —
Well !! you all are mature enough and know how to deal with these issues of life. It's just you guys need someone to guide you and then you will implement this in your life. Life is too short. We all are wasting time by comparing ourselves to others. No one can make you inferior without your own consent. When you compete with others you become bitter, but when you compete with yourself you become better. Always remember that You are alone enough, you don’t have to prove anyone.
“Your story is unique and so so different and not worthy of comparison.”